
During the show of Dinner in Motion audio visual recordings can be made that are intended for publication on internet or television. By visiting the show the visitor irrevocably and unconditionally agrees that possible recordings could be made of him/her. Insofar, in the context of the recordings, any intellectual property rights, including copyrights and/or related rights would be applicable for the visitor, the visitor hereby already transfers all (current and future) worldwide, unlimited (intellectual properties) rights to Dinner in Motion b.v., completely, irrevocably and unconditionally.

Dinner in Motion has the unlimited right to disclose or have disclosed, to copy or have copied, make available or have made available to the public or to exploit otherwise the recordings, fully and/or partially in the broadest sense of the word in whatever current or future manner known. This means, among others, but not limited to, that Dinner in Motion has the right to broadcast or have broadcasted (repeatedly) the recording via television, to use them on DVDs, internet or exploit them otherwise. The organisation is not liable for possible theft, loss or damage. No visual or sound recordings can be made during the show. Access to the show of children under the age of 16 is only possible under the guidance and responsibility of the parent(s) and/or legal guardian.